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Professional day about the magic of storytelling

On Sunday, March 8, 2019, from 9 a.m., the KEY Association of Social Educators is organizing a professional day for teachers about the magic of storytelling under the title "Cookies Baked in Ashes" at the Palace of Culture. Speakers: Eszter Zámborszky, a storyteller from Miskolc, Hungary, Annamária Kádár, a psychologist and writer from Marosvásárhely, and Enikő Szabó, a storyteller from Sepsiszentgyörgy.

The detailed program:

9.00 How to make cookies baked in ashes? The role of fairy tales in education - Eszter Zámborszky, storyteller, Miskolc

10.00 How do we write and rewrite our child's life story? - dr. Annamária Kádár, psychologist, Marosvásárhely

10.30 Coffee break

10.45 Fairy Tail. How do we pass on the fairy-tale cookie baked in ashes? - Enikő Szabó, storyteller, therapist, Sepsiszentgyörgy

11.25 Fabulous Experience Workshop - Eszter Zámborszky, storyteller, Miskolc, Hungary

12.25 Coffee break

12.40 Anxiety-relief Storytelling Workshop - Enikő Szabó, storyteller, therapist, Sepsiszentgyörgy

13.40 Closing

We look forward to seeing you!
