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PROPAR project meeting in Marosvásárhely

The partners of the PROPAR project met in Târgu Mureş on February 19-23, 2020 to get acquainted with the different services provided in the care of children and adults with autism and the solutions that support their parents.

In the PROPAR project, parental support organizations from 4 countries - Hungary (Mars Foundation), Poland (Fundacja JiM), Romania (Key Association of Social Educators) and Serbia (Autizam Srbija - Autism Serbia) - worked together to share good practices and learn from each other about service supporting the families of autistic children and adults.

In Târgu Mureş, they take part in the activities of the Szusszanó Parent Support Group, visit the supported living facilities and the day care centre of Skillful Hands Foundation, as well as gain insight into the work of the Gecse Dániel Foundation and the Inclusive School Center No. 2. The aim of the exchange is to learn from each other, gain new ideas, practices and new experiences.
